Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We received some pretty crappy news last week that our adoption agency is closing. I'm super bummed. Not only for the fact that we are now going to have to transfer all of our stuff somewhere else and pay for everything all over again, but also because the agency was in the building I work in and I won't be able to chat with all my favorite girls everyday :( They just weren't getting enough new families and just didn't have the resources to find matches for the ones they did have. We're going to find another agency and press on though..when God closes a door, he opens a window somewhere, right?

Other than that, things are great for us. We have moved into our new house and are enjoying every second of it! I can't wait to get home from work at night and hate to leave in the morning!! We are fairly settled in. Our garage is still full of boxes that need to be sorted through, but we have most of our necessities put away. This weekend we plan to try to go through most of it and get some shelving up in Tysons closet so he can unpack and put away all of his toys. We bought a new headboard and footboard that I'm hoping to get put together this weekend too.

Hope everyones having a great week!

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