Friday, October 16, 2009

While we wait

Yes, it's the middle of the night and here I am, blogging. It's not very often that I am able to just sit and surf the net, catch up on all the celebrity gossip and check every one of the 1,416 waiting children photolistings I have bookmarked, without a single interruption :) So, you guessed it; the hubby is out of town. Steve drove down to the cities this evening to help his daughter and son in law build a deck on their house. My mom came up this weekend and we spent the day shopping in Fargo. After visiting five, yes 5, count them with me 1,2,3,4,5, Halloween costume stores, T finally found a Halloween costume. He is going as a Special Operations Officer, which is a fancy title for a black long sleeved shirt with a black vest and camoflauge plants (which cost me $29.99 YIKES!) But at that moment I probably would have spent any amount just to find a costume that fit him! Do these costume manufactureres not know that children in Minnesota must wear 12 layers of clothing under their costumes?! We almost had to resort to an adult mans costumes and the ones suitable for an eight year old in that genre were few and far between. But, it turned out well - he's happy with what we found and after that we relieved our mornings shopping frustrations with a large stack of pancakes from IHOP :) We then wrapped up the night eating popcorn and watching Plains, Trains and Automobiles. LOVE that movie!

We had the honor of meeting with Claudia Fletcher on Thursday night. She's an Adoption Matching Specialist with Adopt America Network and also author of the book "Out of Many, One Family: How Two Adults Claimed Twelve Children through Adoption" (which by the way is an awesome book, I couldn't put it down!) If you're thinking about or waiting to adopt from the U.S. foster care system it is a must read! Claudia gave us some tips on different things to do while we wait that would benefit us. One was to make a personalized family profile page; which I planned to do tonight until I realized for some odd reason Microsoft Publisher is missing from my computer..hmm. I am very excited to start one and have already been doing some research on things to do to our profile that would make it unique from others.

Other than our meeting with Claudia, things have been quiet on the adoption front. We've submitted our home studies for a couple different kiddos in the past couple weeks but no news. Last weekend we picked out a bedroom door for the downstairs room that will be mine and Steve's new bedroom once kiddo #2 is here. We haven't started moving anything down there yet though. We'll save that project for the winter months.

Goodnight everyone!
