Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wait...wait...and wait some more :)

Unfortunately, I have no new news to share - just wanted to post a little update and ask for everyones prayers that we get matched soon!!

We're just continuing to keep our fingers (and toes, and arms, and legs...and anything else we can cross ;) crossed that we will hear something very soon!

I also wanted to share that last Sunday I purchased kiddo #2's very first doll from us; an extremly cute Cabbage Patch Kid with long curly hair; it was so much fun picking her out!

Nothing too exciting happening on the home front. Steve and I are bowling for his employer this weekend in the Chamber of Commerce's annual "Battle of the Business's". We've been doing it for the past few years and its always a good time. Then of course Sunday is the big Super Bowl game. We're going to try and make a trip up to my dads this weekend too, to show the farm to a potential buyer.

Hope everyone has a good rest of their week!


Nichole Parlapiano said...

Don't give up! Your time will come!

Dawn said...

I know, I just wish it would hurry up!