We've submitted for a few kiddos over the past month and unfortunately haven't heard much. I will tell you though; we submitted for a little girl a few days ago that I have a good feeling about. So if everyone could say a little extra prayer that this is the one, I would really appreciate it!
We set up our tree last weekend and while I was dragging out the Christmas decorations I found a set of decorations I had bought last year right after Christmas - two sets of childrens Christmas decorations; one for a girl and one for a boy (for T of course). I remember wondering as I bought them last year if we would be decorating a little tree with them our next Christmas, and of course hoping that we indeed would be. Now here we are, a year later...still waiting. So let's pray that next year those decorations will be hanging from a miniature tree :)
At my moms :)
Peace :)