Me and my handsome hubby
Me and my gorgeous son
The Thursday after the wedding me, my mom and T headed out to Bozeman, Montana for my nephew's wedding. That is a loooong drive. T traveled in the car 16 hours like a champ. We tried to stop along the was as much as we could but didn't want to get into Bozeman too late, so each stop was brief. We had an absolute marvelous time...It had been 4 years since we had seen my sister and niece. It was great :)
My niece Katie and I
My handsome nephew and I
We've sent out our home study quite a few times over the past month and haven't heard much in response. I was hoping to go school clothes shopping for one more this year but that doesn't look like it's going to happen...considering school starts Monday..LOL. Hopefully we'll be Halloween costume shopping for one more...or at least Christmas shopping...anyways, you get my point....I'm hoping something happens soon!